The Full Story
PAS is grateful for the many supporters that contribute to its ongoing operations in this community. Adventist Christian Education is a definite value added life-enhancing experience that reaps rewards in this life and the life hereafter. As part of our continued efforts PAS continues to seek out partnerships for fundraising and development who support their educational efforts and goals. PAS is immensely grateful to Bigoli's for their support! Please consider supporting them all year by enjoying their very delicious meals. Thank you!

Placing Your Order
It is very important that you consider:
1. What you want to order.
2. The quantity you want to order.
3. Pickup window dates.
1. Cash App (recommended)
2. Check (Made out to: Peninsula Adventist School)
1025 Mescal St, Seaside, Ca 93955
3. **NEW** Now accepting Credit/Debit Cards

A special "Thank you" to all our supporters for our Bigoli Fundraiser! It was very successful!